
October 31, 2010



                                                              #SUP #FOO!!!
Been a Lil while I shouldtna Left You without fresh Steps to.....step Whaddup This BLogSpot shit is Kinda FUn but Look I Had the Opportunity to got to Detroit and Canada recently. was Ridin Around in the D and some Place called Royal Oak ,which is where The "BURN RUBBER" store was located if Im not mistaken , I jus had been hearin about it so We found the store (gps shit) and  it was dope..Not Only do they carry their own Brand which is Stellar they also SPeciaLize in exclusive apparel and Kicks Like "Bobba FETT ADIDAS" (starwars)which I never seen (but I rock DUNKS)  they also carry brands that you may be acustom to seeing already like Crooks and Castle,Stussy,10DEEP etc. YOu Definitely want to stop by "BURN RUBBER"...Plug...send me some Free shit .

We also went to "Bobs Classics kicks" which was in Detroit I beleive.The establishment was Nice more of a laid back collectors SPot like you have to know someone who knows of that place to find it or youll drive right by the corner its on I honestly Didnt see too much that Caught my eye in that Particular Store Its Like "MAJOR" in Georgetown DC minus all the COoL shit . Besides the PAinting Of  MicheaL JordaN FLyinG ( BLack History ). That will be all for now EaRthLings.Good Luck wit Ya Foot Work CleanLiness is Next to Godliness

P.S...( A) Lmao : I dont tHink Refuge Skate Shop is Open to the Publice anymore.

Check em' Out :


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