
October 19, 2010


Two words "CAREER REVIVAL" .
Based on the 3 part DC comic book Series Created byWarren Ellis and Cully Hamner Red is one of the
 Better Film comic adaptations Ive Seen I think Mostly Due
to the SteLLar CastIng. the CASt of OLD Head
Actors and the Story Line of EX CIA operatives coming out of Retirement Kind of GOes Hand in Hand and is Executed WeLL. The Action sequences are at times non-stop and the Shooting at can be constant and gets more elaborate as the story
 progresses if you like shoot em up flicks you will more than Likely Love "RED" .This Joint brings Brucewillis
back to the Box office with a bang and doesnt do much for MORGAN FREEMAN
considering the Black man Always DIes. John MaLKovich played the hell out of his role
however as always .Overall I think this movie is one for the DVD collection when it doesDrop for yourHome entertainment consoLe.

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